Choosing a lawyer is often a difficult time, especially for those who have never had to deal with both civil and criminal legal problems. Choosing a lawyer is a bit like choosing a medical specialist when you have a health problem, you urgently need to talk to a trusted person to examine your case and help you solve it but you do not know who to turn to.

Here are 5 things to take into account when choosing a lawyer

  1. The lawyer must be able to listen to understand your reasons and all the details of your case. In some cases your problem may just be a matter of paperwork, but very often, especially in family and inheritance law cases, the psychological component is crucial. Therefore, it is important to choose a lawyer who is not rushed and who devotes the necessary time to listening to your reasons.
  2. The lawyer must be reachable by phone or e-mail and not avoid the client. A lawyer’s days are often very complicated and stressful, but a good lawyer always responds within a maximum of a couple of days to his client’s requests.
  3. The lawyer must be experienced in the area of law that concerns your legal case. Experience is assessed not only by degrees obtained but also by the ability to understand your case and propose solutions. In civil law matters, all legal problems, if you are well guided, can find a satisfactory solution for the parties involved. The decision to start a lawsuit must be well thought out because it involves costs and uncertainty in duration and outcome. It is therefore very important to try all possible alternative dispute solutions to litigation. In Italy we have assisted negotiation and civil mediation, which in many cases allow the parties to resolve their legal problems quickly and save a lot of money.
  4. Lawyers must be clear and transparent about the costs of their legal assistance and advice. For this reason, it is important to ask for an estimate indicating the lawyer’s fee and any costs to be incurred for stamp duty, court fees, mediation fees, searches or other.
  5. The lawyer must be diligent about confidentiality and guard your personal data and documents with the utmost care. Therefore a lawyer must use IT tools that guarantee high standards of security and confidentiality. The lawyer must refuse to receive documents by means of messaging applications that do not guarantee an adequate level of security and confidentiality. Before sending a document, photo or message, it is therefore necessary to ask one’s lawyer whether the tool one intends to use is adequate and sufficiently secure.

Choosing a lawyer is difficult and often stressful. The range of legal services on offer today is very wide and the competition to acquire clients has become fierce. By following my 5 tips you can face this moment with confidence and make the best choice.

For information fill in the form below or call 0639745668

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