
The hearing of the child in family law proceedings

In delicate situations of separation and divorce, the protection of the well-being and interests of the child is of fundamental…

1 anno ago

How to ask for an estimate of lawyer’s fees on a separation or divorce

The time of choosing a lawyer is very important, but you also need to know in advance what your lawyer's…

2 anni ago

How to choose a lawyer

Choosing a lawyer is difficult and often stressful. The range of legal services on offer today is very wide and…

2 anni ago

Separation and divorce, how to survive

Separation and divorce are traumatic events for all parties involved. There are some things that can be done to make…

2 anni ago

How to deal with a legal issue

Dealing with a legal issue can be a stressful experience. In many cases, the first reaction is to remove the…

2 anni ago

The prerequisites for the divorce allowance

The law provides that in the divorce decree, the court will impose an obligation on one spouse to provide the…

3 anni ago